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Moving Around



Melbourne on CD, Sydney on CD, Central Coast on CD

The screen display

When you first open up Melbourne on CD, Sydney on CD or Central Coast on CD, the map display is blank. Use one of the Find methods to open up the map you're looking for and the screen display looks this:

Of course, it's quite a bit bigger, filling your whole screen.

What does it all mean? 

The title bar across the top indicates what scale of map is being displayed. Underneath this is the menu bar, giving access to all the drop down command menus.

Immediately above the map display is the toolbar which lets you select the most common functions with a mouse click.

Right across the bottom of the display is the status bar which displays your current Melway or Sydway map reference and the geographic coordinates in your choice of display format. This is also where distances will be displayed when you are measuring distances.

The map display occupies the main window.

The navigator window floats on top of the map giving you an idea of where the displayed area is in relation to the whole coverage of the directory. You can turn this off if it gets in your way. (you can also turn the toolbar and status bar display off and on if you choose.)

That yellow square in the bottom third of the map display indicates that a special purpose map covers this area. In this case it's a university campus. You can call up this detail map with a click of the mouse, (again, those yellow overlays can be turned off or on).

Scrolling and panning

Scroll bars across the bottom and down the right side can be used to scroll the map display to a different area.

Clicking and dragging the mouse shows the cursor as a little hand symbol. You can pan across the maps at this level from one end of the directory coverage to the other.

You can also use arrows on the toolbar to make bigger jumps left or right, up or down.

The magic right button

Clicking with the right mouse button on the map displays a pop up menu for quick navigation.

You can use this menu to change to a different scale map covering your current location, to call up a special purpose map for this location or to zoom in or out.

Map Windows

When you call up another map, either through the right button menu or by finding a different map, a new map window is opened. 

You can open as many windows as you wish, covering different areas at different scales and different zoom levels. 

The "Windows" drop down menu allows you to change between map windows and to rearrange them.


The default installation method puts three icons on your desktop, one each for Melbourne on CD, Sydney on CD and Central Coast on CD.

You can have all three applications running at once and switch between them at will.

The Online Help in our Technical pages shows you the full details of operation for Melbourne on CD.


Send mail to web@discway.com.au with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 8, 2002